Tuesday, November 23, 2010

11 days in Budapest

Thursday: Matt and I got into to Budapest and walked to the hostel. When we got there, we had a cup of coffee and talked with the people there for a while. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do for the day, so I hung around the hostel and got to know the people that were staying there. In the evening, I went out to Instant, but decided to come back early as I was feeling quite tired. I slept for a full 12 hours, so I think that my body really needed the rest.

Friday: I visited the Buda castle Labyrinth with some people from the hostel. It's a cool concept, but they make it kind of cheesy. The signs around the labyrinth talk of this civilization that never actually existed. On our way there we stopped at the Fisherman's bastion and St. Matthias church. In the evening we went to Grandio hostel, a sister hostel of Carpe Noctem, where we had a Jager train. Red bull is poured into bigger glasses, and shooters of Jagermeister are ligned up on top of them. Someone pushes the first shot glass, and as dominoes, all of the shooters fall into the glasses (see video). We then went to Corvin night club and had a lot of fun.

Saturday: I took the afternoon easy. In the evening I went out on a pub crawl.

Sunday: I went to Arriba for lunch, a Mexican place right next to the hostel. In the evening, I had a true Hungarian four course supper. A bowl of soup, some weird appetizer, then the main dish of Goose neck with mashed potatoes, then a shooter of Palinka (a fruit brandy) as a digestif and apple crepes for dessert. We then went to bar downstairs in the Grandio, of "the cave" as they call it.

Monday: I went out for karaoke night at Morrison's.

Tuesday: I had to look for a costume as today it was dress-up when we went out, the theme: Cowboys & Indians. Found a plaid shirt and a toy gun, combined with my Levi's 501, I figured I was dressed-up enough. We went out to a different bar, though it was still karaoke. I ended up leaving early as Cassie and I were pretty lame, though we brought Damien back as he was pretty far drunk.

Wednesday - Sunday: I got food poisoning and had a cold at the same time, so I spent these days doing as little as possible to rest. On Friday I changed hostels to the Carpe Noctem Penthouse and went out to Liszt fest, which is some kind of music and wine festival. I had supper at a pretty nice place and tried out two types of Tokaji, the first wine subject to appellation control. I also tried some Unicum as a digestif. On Sunday I went to the Szecheney thermal baths.

Monday: I did a tour of the city. We started out at Heroe's square, then we visited the Vajdahunyad castle, St Stephen church and the Buda castle. I then went to the synagogue, Europe's largest and the worlds second (behind New York). Afterwards I went to the train station to reserve my couchette on a night train to Belgrade.

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